A crucial message at our October 2023 demonstration.

Comfort Etim from Refugee Women Connect speaks to the Demonstration from atop the FBU appliance at the start of the demonstration, about the importance of Saving Liverpool Women’s Hospital .

Comfort Etim on the left of the picture with Aliya, Nakki and Nina

Reasons to Save Liverpool Women’s Hospital

“When asked to speak today, I ask myself why and what change do I want to see. The answer is change the narrative and join in solidarity to Save the Women’s Hospital where I have been privileged to have two of my children and I don’t think merging it is the right thing to do.

Speaking to over 20 women about why the women’s hospitals is important to them they all echoed the same thing as it is a safe space for women and should remain open where it is.

As mentioned, I work for Refugee Women Connect which is a charity organization that provides support for women seeking asylum, refugees, and survivors of trafficking across Merseyside.

We have continued to work we the women’s hospital in improving information around asylum and how best staff can continue to understand how to care for women having babies in the asylum system and be more welcoming and we believe the space has been created there is the capacity for it here at the women’s hospitals and fear it will be completely lost if we move the women’s hospitals to the Royal.

We love all the staff here at the women’s hospitals as they have welcomed us, listened to us, and continued to work with us. Our women feel very comfortable coming to the Women’s to have their babies just like I felt coming here to have my babies and we don’t want that to change.

The Migrant Surcharge

Next year the NHS Surcharge goes up and this will impact a lot of women. Migrant have been paying a lot of money to assess care in the UK and so when the government say things like we will increase visa and NHS charge it sounds as though it is a new thing but it is not.

The gaps in the NHS can be changed to an extent if the government could allow asylum seekers to work (Joining the campaign Lift the Ban) there are doctors, nurses, midwives, teachers, and many skilled workers amongst them.

If given the right to work they too can contribute to the society and thrive in a place they now call home.

The purpose of establishing women’s hospitals in the UK is to provide specialized healthcare services tailored to the unique needs of women. By having separating the women’s hospitals, healthcare providers can offer comprehensive care, conduct research, and promote education and awareness about women’s health in a safe place.

In summary, we stand in solidarity with the NHS staff for good pay and an improved support system for them to continue the amazing work they are doing already.

They need more staff to join the work, give asylum seekers the right to work so that they can reduce the workload, and contribute to our economy. Take away two and half years visas so that young children and adults wanting to further their education in healthcare can gain admission into universities.

Say loud say it clear refugees are welcome here. Refugee Women Connect believes Solidarity knows no border.”

Additional Note from Save Liverpool Women’s Hospital Campaign.

The Migrant charge for NHS services is an annual charge imposed on migrants. Migrants paying this charge can then use the NHS services as others do but not every migrant can use this system and face very harsh charging

Every pregnant woman should have maternity care free of charge. We have campaigned against the different kinds of migrant charges for the NHS. It is a bad system for pregnant women and has cost lives of mothers and babies

The Royal College of Midwives calls for the end of such charges.

Maternity Action also campaigns against these charges

Until the increased rates take effect in 2025, the UK Immigration Health Surcharge currently costs £624 per applicant per year of leave granted, or a £470 per year discounted rate applies for student visa holders, those on the Youth Mobility Scheme and children under the age of 18.” So more than £2,000 for a family of 4.

Please also see the work of Patients not Passports for more information.

The march on October 7th 2023.

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